Monday, May 27, 2013

May 24, 2013

Kate had her first real field trip on Friday.  With her Kindergarten class, and without me.
She was super excited and counting down the days.
We even went to the store and picked out special lunch items for her to pack in her sack lunch.
The night before she colored and decorated a lunch sack with markers and then packed it up.
She had to go to school early to get to ride the zoo bus.
She seemed to love it and came home with arm fulls of fun things and lots of stories to tell.  She made crafts, looked for animals, made animals out of legos, got  her nose painted like a zebra???  That is what she said it was suppose to be anyways.
She loved it.
Shortly after she came home I went to my room to feed the baby and put her to sleep.
When I came out the girls had been coloring with the markers left out from the night before from lunch sack decorating.  Marianne was very curious about Kate's nose.  And kept saying "nose" and pointing to her nose.
Then she made herself a colored nose too.
And the girls were thrilled together with their colored noses.