Saturday, October 26, 2013

Oct 26, 2013

We went hiking in the Uinta's today.
To the fairy forest.
Have you heard of it?
It is about an hour drive form Heber, Up by mirror lake.
Our kids love hiking.  And I use to hate hiking but they are loving it so much this summer they are converting me.  I think we may just be a serious hiking family next year.
It is hard to beat being out on a beautiful fall day in the Utah mountains.  Perfectly sunny and 60 degrees.
We bundled up- and although we saw some snow, it was really warm and our coats were mostly unwarranted.  We parked at the trail head and followed some pretty scetchy directions I found online.I was about 50 % sure we wouldn't find the fairy forest and have sad kids, and 30% sure we were going to get lost in the woods and have to spend the night, and 20% hoping it would all work out.
"Come to my fairy forest, in the woods, were there is no cell phone reception, and no real trail...." on the internet- sounds like  a murders invitation to me. Whatever.
Good thing I wore rain boots because we crossed a small river, and I could carry children across without concern.  Although the hike was short it was over the river and through the woods.... Jake and I each carrying a child, and a backpack and a camera, and a fairy house.
Oh before going we whipped up a little fairy house-  You can see it above- it has Ariel, Cinderella and superman in a little scene.   We brought it to put out for the fairies.
We made it to the forest in the end pretty quickly.
There were hundreds of little scenes, painted rocks, chimes hung in  the trees.  A little path to wonder along and discover more and more things
The kids loved finding new things and discovering all the different places.
I'm not sure our fairy home with last the winter- next time we will prepare something more durable then what I can round up in a few minutes.
We hiked back to the car and drove to a campground around the corner, and stopped for a little picnic.
Then we headed home.
Sometimes I plan adventures and they don't go perfectly, we get lost, the kids are in bad moods, etc.
But this one worked out wonderfully.
I love when we decide to forget about chores or our to-do lists and go on adventures with our kids.

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