Sunday, July 5, 2015

End of School Year May 2015

The last few weeks of school flew by.  I got to go on field trips with both Sam and Kate's class.  But I drove them.  With Sam I brought Marianne and Bethany and met Sam off the bus at the Gateway Children's Museum.  Then we just got to hang out with each other without a group.  We met a few of his friends around the exhibits but mostly just hung out with ourselves.  Which was even better because when you go with mom you get to use quarters to make the hurricane machine go and play in the splash pad.  We had a great day.  All the kids seemed to love the helicopter best, and also the spirograph.

Kate's field trip though I brought her we were assigned a group of kids to watch.  A large group of rowdy boys, so I don't have many pictures of her trip to the Clark Planetarium.  We were early- we beat the bus so the two of us set out to maybe get a snack or something nearby.  We passed a man who was begging who had a five year old son with him.  As we passed Kate asked me about them.  We ended up at a vending machine getting drinks.  And the vending machine gave us an extra.  I asked Kate if we should give it to the boy, then I also volunteered my sack lunch in my purse.  So we walked by and Kate handed the boy a few treats and food from my lunch including a giant chocolate bar.  And I gave the man something and we walked off.  Kate asked me if the boy was like Charlie in the chocolate Factory- a book she recently read- and maybe that little boy only got one or two chocolate bars a year so he was maybe very excited.  Then the whole day she reassured me that she would share the chocolate bar in her lunch sack with me. I told her she didn't have to, but when lunch rolled around you can bet she shared with me.  We had a great time.  Sadly none of her friends or even a girl was assigned to our group so the two of us tolerated five rowdy boys and hung out together.  At the end on our way home we stopped at a jewelry store nearby.  I was browsing for me when we came across some jewelry for tweens and I told her she could pick something out.  Well she couldn't believe that and was so excited and spent twenty minutes hemming and hawing over whether or not to get the shell or the mermaid or the K... she ended up with a puppy necklace.  But mostly couldn't wait to tell her Dad about feeding the homeless.

Sam graduated from Kindergarten.  Sad Day!  Though he thought this school year and his teacher were the best things ever- I was a bit disappointed.    I'm happy he was so pleased though.  They did have a cute program for graduation and he was his shy self.  I'm so proud of Sam.  He is such a great student, listener, reader, and friend.  He got to pick anywhere for Mom and Dad to take him after and of course he picked to go get a cheeseburger Kolache.   He is getting more handsome by the second.  I'm so sad to see him grow up and not be home with me in the afternoons next year.  I'll miss him helping me.  Cuddling me, or even just playing nintendo while I nap near by in my room.  I'll miss homework in the afternoon just the two of us.  I'll miss my obedient boy willing to always do what I ask at home with me.  I'll miss him reading to me until I fall asleep on the couch in the afternoons.

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