Monday, July 6, 2015

Swim Lessons June 2015

Swim Lessons this year.  We did private lessons at a really nice private pool here in town at the Stoddard's home.  Their daughters who are 17 and 16 and on the swim team do the lessons.  Each kid got 20-30 minutes almost daily for two weeks.  They made big improvements.  Kate didn't get any pictures even because she had the first lesson and was in a longer lesson.  She made the most improvement and can finally swim.  We even went to a pool to swim after lessons and I didn't even watch her... well I didn't have my eyes on her the whole time and she did great.  Sam and Marianne are doing really well too.  Marianne is even a bit better than Sam.  She has always been a little fish that girl.  Bethany got lessons too.  When we walked in the gate to the lessons she would should "I Here"  and then after she would say "Simming, Simming I go Simming"  She loved it.  She would try hard even to listen to the girl teaching her and felt like a real big kid.  I feel so lucky to have found these awesome swim lessons.  Our kids are finally learning to swim.

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