Monday, April 23, 2012

April 23, 2012

Last Thursday we decided it was finally time around here to get ourselves a kiddie pool.
We've been playing in it non stop.
The kids think popsicles and bubbles to blow make it a complete summer party.
And think they are the luckiest kids alive.
The pool we bought is on the smaller side.
I had to fit in my car after all to get it home.  but they are pleased as it has a slide making it seem extra special.
M usually sits pool side with me, but got in the water today and loved every seconds.  She even feel from sitting up face in, and was just surprised.  She splashed about and seemed content to get to play with the big kids.
* You may have noticed my uncreative blog post title.
I will now be titling things based on date.  I have seen my kids pictures coming up the 1st page in google searches for key terms like "cute babies" and "funny kids" I spent an evening renaming some of the post titles and content so they don't any more.    A date seems more accurate any ways as this is my attempt to scrapbook our life.


lilybit said...

did it get hot fast or what!?

Polliwog said...

I love swimming pictures. The water is so bright and the swimsuits pop. These are very cute!