Thursday, April 5, 2012

Kate's Birthday

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We celebrated Kate's birthday yesterday.
She had been planning her birthday- well basically since her last birthday. In october she came across a monkey plate. It was pink, the monkey had a pink flower in her hair and she decided that is what she wanted. And she talked about that monkey plate for 6 months. When it was actually time to plan her party, her mind remained unchanged. So I searched high and low and finally found the exact monkey plate she remembered, and ordered them along with cups and napkins.
She also decided that she wanted to go to a trampoline place again. Just like last year. She loved it last year why not do it again. Despite me trying to convince her otherwise, her mind remained made up.
As far as presents she would ask for certain things, but allowed me some choice.
As far as decorations, that was all determined by her. The night before she even reminded me not do do the decorations like a surprise because she wanted to help (mostly because she doesn't trust me to make her vision for her birthday a reality) it included green vines all over the place- for the monkeys. She encouraged everyone to wear brown like a monkey. She is my party planner.
She even got the same cookies from the grocery store-except this time a different color, for favors just like last year.
We took all our cousins to the trampline place- there was a lot of us and they had tons of fun. While there Kate said to me "This is the funnest day ever!" Just the reaction you hope for. I noticed her try to tell all the staff working there that it was her birthday- just like when we had been at the store and purchased candles and cake mix and she had attempted to tell the cashier it was for her birthday.

After the jumping place we returned home to prepare for our family party. My parents were here and so was Amy and her kids, so we actually had another big party. It was one big party for her all day. We ordered pepperoni pizza- Kate's current 2nd favorite food only to Panda Express (She ate 5 pieces between lunch and dinner) and decorated the kitchen like a jungle, a jungle with a balloon covered floor.

Then it was present time. The 1st gift Kate opened was a CTR ring from us. She had mentioned a few days before that she wanted a CTR ring because now she is really a CTR 5. When your kid asks for a CTR ring for their birthday you have to get it for them right? But there are not Deseret Books on every corner around here, but I did find one bookstore about 20 minutes away that claimed to sell them. I went and they did have- one kids CTR ring. It was a little big I thought, but it was pink.
When she opened it she exclaimed in the perfect delight "This is just what I wanted!"

This was actually her reaction to every gift she was given. So thankful and excited about games, stickers, dolls, dresses. Then it came time to open her gift from Sam. He got her a large Cinderella doll. I wasn't sure she would love it. It actually went with the bike I had gotten her- but that is another story. But I knew Sam would remember that he had picked it out so I let him give it to her anyway. She opened it.
"Sam knew I liked blue and he knew I liked Cinderella!" She was in love. Jumped up and gave him a hug. Later she repeatedly told me it was her favorite gift.
Her last gift to open was a bike we got her. The bike is a story. I had looked and looked at many stores to get Kate a bike. She had wanted this one with a seat for a doll. I finally found it in a box at Target and bought it. Unfortunately when we went to put it together the night before at 8:30pm we realized it was not the bike, and actually a very small toddler bike. I was super upset, as I had spent the better part of all my energy and thought into making her day perfect for the last week. I decided to run to Toys R Us. It was close though expensive, and I figured they would at least have bike to buy. I tried to buy basically any bike that was the right size, only to find that most of them were not in stock. All but one- the kids bike that was like $130 and I wasn't sure she would like it! I bought it too. I was desperate. It was only 9, though so I had another hour before everything closed and thought I would try a few more stores. I did and kept coming up short, until I went to the super ghetto Wal-mart. I usually refuse to go her and it is really disgusting. But like I said-desperate. And there was a bike, not the bike, but a bike, reasonably priced, not pink- but blue (her favorite color) and purplish pink, with princesses, a fanny pack and a bell. I thought it would work. So home I came. The third bike I bought for my girl. Of course now this week I have the task of taking all the other bikes back. It was worth it though I think. When she opened her eyes and pulled of the blanket covering it she was happy- and a bit confused saying "now I have two bikes" I told her it was for her because he other bike was too small, then she understood and made plans to put mail in the fanny pack and ring the bell to deliver mail.
All my work and I think it all paid off. She was super happy and perfectly pleased with her day.
She loves birthdays so much and I did not disappoint her. In return, it was one of my favorite days of the year, again, as she was just so pleased and excited and pleasant.

After gifts we ate lunch and cake.
She was happy with her cake, I tried to replicate the monkey on the plates with the flower in her hair. She went to blow out her candles and leaned over the candles and burnt her forehead a bit- but was cute and sweet and stood their pleased as everyone sang to her. Then smiled as everyone said something nice about her. I loved Sam's the best- he liked that Kate colored with him.

As we were eating cake I was sitting next to Kate and she said-"mom now that I am five I will do all the chores and only play a little" It made me a little sad. A few weeks ago, frustrated with all the house chores and told Kate she needed to help me, as she was old enough that mom shouldn't have to do all the chores. In an attempt to get out of chores for the moment she told me "when I am five mom, then I will be old enough to do all the chores and you won't have to do any" I smiled but surely still made her clean up whatever it was I was insisting. She remembered the conversation, and that she had promised me when she turned five that she would do all the chores. I think she said it a little sad, but dutiful. I reassured her that I would love her to be a bigger helper, but that she could still have fun and play even though she was a real grown up five year old now.

She spent the evening playing with her new things, playing games, and being so content. The happiness has continued into today as she is still being helpful and nice and sharing and sweet.

The evening ended with me telling her the story of when she was born for a bedtime story- a birthday tradition. She ate up every minute.

And then of course was so excited she refused to fall asleep for almost two hours.

It was a really great day.
I have been feeling a lot lately like I spend all my energy trying to make those I love and care about happy, and still despite doing everything I can, they are still unhappy with me, some how dissatisfied, unappreciative etc....
But Kate didn't disappoint. Like I said, I spent so much time and energy into making her day perfect, and she believed it. She had the perfect bright reaction to everything, was thankful and happy and I felt like all my work paid off. What more could I ask for.
More on Kate to come on her actual birthday I am sure.


lilybit said...

you are an unbelievable mom. I love that the monkey has a flower and I love that Kate matches. i felt a little sad too when you talked about Kate growing up. it sounds like you really created a memorable and special day for our special kate.

Crystal said...

Kate matches her Kate and her cake because she did that all on her own. It had nothing to do with me. She set her clothes out the night before. That is so her.