Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Dressed Up

Kate was playing dress up this week. She wanted Marianne to play along, so Kate made Marianne a queen.
We took M out to run some errands and it was a rainy day. She got to wear the bear suit. All of our kids have worn this bear suit. I wasn't sure she would ever because it is not really cold here, but we found a day.

The weeks just fly by and some how this little angel is 8 months old today.
She has mastered the scoot. She cries "Mamamamama" when she wants to be picked up or fed and she just wants to be in the action, stealing game pieces and coloring crayons that Sam and Kate are using. Today we went outside on the grass while Kate and Sam played outside. We sat in the shade and petted Cola and she giggled like crazy. She has a new squished up nose face. I cut off her mullet last night. Jake teases her that now she has a boy haircut. It looks much better though and I think it will grow out nice and even. And she had her 1st real people food (brocoli chicken casserole) pureed for dinner tonight.

I always tell Jake that if I could have any super power,
it would be the power to heal.
I'd start with the kids, and they would have have perfectly working tummies that never hurt.
I've decided if I could have a 2nd power, it would be the power to freeze time, or slow it down. I guess to manipulate it however I choose.
If I can't have that then at least a super detailed specific amazing memory, so I could at least relive each moment of this speedy life.
Because my babe is going to be one in just a blink.
And that really stinks.


lilybit said...

good super hero choices

amy + jeff said...

Yes, I would chose the time power as well, unless you would use your power on my behalf too.