Saturday, April 21, 2012

Mother's I Beg of You

It is getting hot around here.
Like death.
Like ridiculous.
I've been seeing it in the stores, at church, and certainly on facebook.

Shoulders.  Tummies. and the like.
You get it.
On moms, girls, ladies, babies.

Lets start with ladies.
I'll go ahead and be upfront about how I didn't always follow this as a teen.
And how I may not be the perfect model of modesty now.  I mean I love me a pair of tight skinny jeans.
I'm pretty sure going to the pool or lake is the new Halloween.
And by Halloween, I mean, reason women who normally dress within our standard of dress feel it okay to dress like a.. well you now...
 Bikinis are out ladies.
There are reasons you won't find me in a bikini.  And those reasons are not three babies worth of stretch marks.
Get your clothes on.

I'm pretty sure it is not your fault you are dressed this way.
You don't buy your clothing.
But be you 3 or be you 15, the standards are still the same.
Put some clothes on your kids.
No 4 year old should be in a bikini, or tank top. or sleeveless dress.
Unless of course you want them to be wearing a mini skirt and tube top when they are 13.
If that is your goal, then by all means.
Buy them more spaghetti straps.

I have tried to teach my daughter what is modest and what is not.
But it is getting tricky now that so many girls she plays with and goes to school and church with don't seem to have the same rules as her.

Mother's I beg of you.
Put your clothes on.
And put some clothes on your daughters.
And not only so I won't have to bite my tongue when my daughter asks your daughter why she is not dressed modestly.
Because she will ask, and I shouldn't be the one who feels foolish when she does.


Janalyn said...

LOVE THIS SO MUCH!!!!!! Another reason why I am glad we are friends -- cause you rock!

Kristine said...


Kyle and Amy said...

YES! I have had Ellie in bikinis every year and I tossed them a few weeks ago bc I realized when shes 15 shes going to be saying why cant I wear a bikini now? Good Advice

The Tomlinsons said...

AMEN!!!! Seriously, I agree with every word! Modesty starts at babyhood. Kate sounds like Leah--very observant about modesty. Probably because, like you, we've tried really hard to teach her to be modest, and why it's so important. Good for you!