Sunday, April 8, 2012


We have been really celebrating Eater this year.
This week with my grandmother's funeral we had the opportunity to spend a lot of time really talking to our kids about the resurrection and had a very applicable moment to show them our faith in it. At 1st I talked to Kate about our spirits going to heaven after we die and our bodies being put in the ground. This had her sobbing and in tears instantly crying out " I want to keep my spirit" lots more talks and even a few movies about the resurrection and I am proud to say that I think my kids get it as much as a 4 year old and 3 year old can.
After church we were told this was also the case by each of their primary teachers in a way.
When Kate's teacher told her to go home and tell her Mom about what she learned about the resurrection, she said "oh my mom already knows all about the resurrection- she showed me some movies about it" A smart alec comment but it still made me proud.
When Saw was picked up from nursery we were told "Sam taught the lesson today" When he was shown a picture of Christ in his class he told the class "Jesus got died, then he came back to live so we can be okay and come back too" Jake and I high-fived over that.
And of course other than lessons there was lots of Easter fun.
We must have been 1st on the Easter Bunny's list because on Saturday night when the kids were in the bath they heard something jumping loudly up and down in the living room. When I asked them what the thought it could be, they concluded that maybe Cola got in the house.
Then they got dressed, of course I was prompting them to think about what that jumping could have been, then they found half eaten carrots and lettuce in the entry way. Kate said "somebody left salad"....."a bunny eats salad and hops" " I figured it out, it was the Easter Bunny" and were thrilled to both have solved the mystery but also that the Easter Bunny had delivered their goods and they could enjoy them for more than 2 seconds before church. Later they ran outside to see if they could see him at the nieghbors, but he had been too fast. They also were a bit confused that the Easter Bunny would have so rudely left that mess.

Baskets were buckets with shovels and were filled with books, bubbles, toothbrushes, playdough, bathtub crayons and just a big of candy
M's was full of baby food, a book and a teether giraffe. Even though she was up way past her normal bedtime, she was super pleased, happy and knew just what to do with her basket.
She tipped it over and dived right in.
After church on Sunday we had Easter dinner at my in-laws. Delicious and beautiful. Then we rounded up the kids and made them hunt for eggs. My kids (mostly Kate) was turned off from Easter Egg hunts when we did one with our other cousins and she didn't find some egg she had in her mind that was hers. With that precise memory comes some particularity too.
Once she saw everyone else was into it though she warmed up a bit.
She was super excited to wear her new colorful dress for Easter though- and her CTR ring to church, all gifts from her birthday.

Aunt Emily contributed tons of eggs, and Aunt Elisabeth contributed all kinds of cool shaped eggs like this football to the hunt. We ended up with tons of eggs and bonus to me, Dad's hid kids while Mom's hide the eggs. (I feel like Dad's always get the fun of hiding)
This picture is here as part of a story.
I asked Jake to take a picture of Kate and I. I put a lot of work into Easter after all, I didn't manage to get a family picture, or even a picture of each kids in their Easter wear, so how about a picture while we sit here. Of course Jake took like ten picture and this is the best one. Kate was not feeling very happy or appreciative of all the Easter work I suppose.
Marianne slept through most the party. I woke her up because it was time to go home. She hadn't eaten, I woke her up from her nap, but she of course was all smiles for me. And in three shots and under 15 seconds I had the three precious Easter pictures I wanted... well at least of her.
This is kind of the story of how the kids respond to pictures most of the time, which is why, Marianne gets so many more pictures.

Why yes, she was the cutest Easter girl you ever saw today!

1 comment:

lilybit said...

yes, M was the cutest easter body I saw!