Thursday, April 9, 2015

March 30, 2015

I organized a culda sac Easter Egg hunt this year.  Our neighborhood does one every year, but our neighborhood has gotten too large, and the 25 or so kids under 10 in our culda sac will be plenty for a hunt.  I told every family to bring their kids with baskets and 30 or so filled eggs monday night for family night.  We collected kids in our backyard, that alone was fun, all their baskets waiting in the river bed.  Each neighbor including us brought more like 50-100 eggs per family, so we had pleant of eggs!  We lined the kids up by age then let them go.  It was so much fun watching them all hunt together and then stuff their faces with Easter chocolate while we chatted with all the dear friends and wonderful couples we get to call neighbors.  We live in a culda sac of only seven homes- one of the homes has an older couple in it who are pleasant, the rest of the homes are filled with young families just like ours, and it has been so much fun to be such a tight knit neighborhood.

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