Tuesday, September 6, 2011

1st Day of Preschool

Kate's 1st day of preschool was this morning.
She has been looking forward to school for so long.
Back in July we went school shopping. She picked out clothes and a backpack and supplies. She has had this dress picked out as her 1st day of school outfit for a few weeks.
She is going to Little Learners Preschool with Mrs. Duke.

Kate shows off her backpack. She picked it out. It is obviously too big for her, and also filled with things she wants and thinks she needs to bring to school but doesn't actually need.

When I dropped her off she found her backpack hook with her name, and then found her chair with her name. She was so happy, just grinning from ear to ear. It looks like there are about 5 boys and 5 girls in her class counting her. I said goodbye and she happily waved at me.
When I picked her up she was still grinning from ear to ear. On the way home she opened up her backpack to show me stuff she had made and tell me about it. She told me about the story they read, that she did show and tell (she brought some Barbie from McDonald's) and about the new dress ups there were to play with- but said nobody would play dress up with her.
She said she loved her new school.
I am so happy for her and all the fun she is going to have.

Here at home, 2.5 hours with only 2 kidswhile Kate was at school was a great thing, even if Marianne only slept for 20 minutes of it. Sam kept on asking "where is Kate" "Where is my fun Kate" "Where is my friend Kate?". Sam got tons more attention that usual. Book reading, cooking together, puzzles and a haircut (which he loves) and a bath. Marianne just watched and listened, and ate.

1 comment:

Meridith said...

Kate is so independent with all of her picking and choosing. That is awesome that her class is so small. Happy First Day to Kate!