Thursday, September 15, 2011

Funny Kids

Stuff my kids have said lately.

Sam watching me nurse the baby.
He points to one breast
"There is milk in there?"
yes I tell him. He is figuring this new baby stuff out
He points to the other breast
"And juice in there?"
No Sam, I am not a soda fountain. I only come in one flavor.

Kate telling me about her new friends in school.
"she has two colors of hair brown and blonde like mine. I guess Jesus got mixed up. But she likes it alright" I can't wait to meet this little girl Jesus got mixed up on when making her hair.

Every time he gets the smallest amount of food or drink or dirt on his clothes he wants to wash them. He gets upset, takes the item off and puts it in the washer. Then asks
"mommy wash it?"
I do.
the next day when he finds that clothing item. He says
"mommy dry it, peas?"
I say yes
sam says "tank you mommy"
every time. Every time he thanks me for doing his laundry. I love him for his appreciation.

1 comment:

The Tomlinsons said...

I seriously laughed out loud as I read about you not being a soda fountain!!!! SO FUNNY!!! And I love Kate's logic about the little girls' hair. So sweet. Hope you're hanigng in there and starting to see the light at the end of the sickness tunnel:)