I mean what says "BOY" more than double band-aid knees (cars band-aids at that) paired with puppy dog galoshes.
He is not all tough boy though. There is still some sweetheart in him. He sure is smitten with the new baby. He is constantly trying to tickle her and saying "hi babybebebebe"
Marianne, or "Big Eyes" as we have been calling her, is finally growing into those eyes. Now that she has some cheeks, her eyes don't seem as ridiculous. Her big eyes fit her perfectly though- she is like an owl. Big eyes and nocturnal. A real night owl.
I really wonder where Marianne gets those big eyes.....her big sister has them too.
I sure love these kids. I have missed them so much. It is not like I'm not around, I have just been so sick for so long. I had looked forward to giving birth to Marianne so I could not be sick anymore. But I've really just been sick or sicker ever since. It has been my hardest recovery yet. My morning sickness lingered for about 8 days even after M was born. Yes that is right, not only do I have morning sickness from pregnancy hormone every day for 40 week, I have it after too while my body gets rid of those hormones. Nothing like throwing up when you have just had a baby. Then I had the flu when M was two weeks old. Now I have strep throat, with a fever of nearly 104 I was almost delusional for the past two days. But now have returned to my mostly normal mental capacity. Ha! The good news is no other member of my family has gotten anything. They have stayed healthy. I guess they have working immune systems thank goodness. I went to the Dr. today. He put me on some antibiotics and a steroid. And thanks to my mom who came over yesterday afternoon- made my family dinner, played with the kids and put them to bed. Thanks to my most dearest friend Janalyn-who took my kids all day, to school, to play at her house and to a picnic at the park. I got some rest, managed to make it to the Dr, and then tried to decontaminate the house. And mostly thanks to my superhero of a husband who has held down way more than his share of family responsibility and child care for the better part of a year. It is the big things he does like letting me sleep in over and over again, it is also the little things like how he puts gaterade in the fridge so it will be cold for me. He really is a superhero. With people like this in my life, and my antibiotics, I am hoping to be back to myself soon so I can enjoy some of the fall with the family I love.
I don't know how you did it. If I were sick and throwing up for 40 plus weeks I just don't think I'd have a lot of kids. I BARELY handle the first trimester of feeling nauseous all the time. I really can't imagine doing it for any longer than 15ish weeks. You're amazing! Hang in there...you'll be better soon. That's the beauty of antibiotics..they work quickly. Then you'll be up and around just in time for your favorite time of year!
thanks min-
obviously I have managed some recovery as I am blogging, and it is mostly coherent. I am not really amazing either just a big baby who seeks sympathy from blog friends.
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