Normally I would add and exclamation point to my title about birthdays. But that is not how I feel. I'm happy for him of course. But my heart is broken as always. I don't want him to be three. I want him to be my little guy forever.This morning I really forgot it was his birthday. We are not saying a word about it because he is kind of obsessed about it and we are not celebrating until tomorrow. His dad did dress him in a shirt this morning with a "3" on the back though. And he came knocking on shower door just to show me.
And we had a fun day together running errands getting party stuff and food and playing outside.
He can't wait for his birthday though.
He is still my tender hearted boy. He cries a lot.
He cries about his clothes, his food, cartoons, his toys, his pacifiers, thinking he got left, that there are monsters in his room and lots more about his clothes. Have I mentioned he cries about his clothes? when Sam is upset big fat tears roll down his cheeks within seconds. And he talks as he cries and I can't understand a word.
Then the next minute he is bursting with excitement about anything big or small.
That he gets to run errands, that I made him an egg sandwich, that he saw something in the store with buzz on it, or spiderman, or mcqueen. It is easy to convince him to be excited about anything. His excitement usually comes with high pitched talking and jumping up and down.
clenched teeth, hands clasped, big smiles "eeeeeeee" sounds.
He kisses me more than anyone. More than the girls and more than my husband. He is always offering kisses and hugs. It means a lot to this mommy. He is the cuddliest person in the house too. And I like cuddling.
He likes all the standard three year old boys stuff.
Trains, trucks, tactors, fire engines, blocks, basketball, bad guys, super heros, swords, guns, tools, playing outside, going places and sandwiches. I think he thinks sandwiches are great because we call them "sam-whiches" like they are special for him.
And they are.
He also really likes coloring and music and dancing.and both his sisters oh so much.
and he is the best at saying prayers, always remembering to say "thank you for Jesus" and sometimes if I am lucky "thank you for mommy" comes next.
He is always saying things are special. "I'm special mommy", "this is my special car mommy" "marianne is special huh mommy"
I call him "my sammy", "my guy" and "my sweetheart"
I'm so proud of my sweet son. He is charming and adorable and awesome.
Lots more birthday stuff to come soon.
Doctor stats
Weight 30.6 lbs- 35%
Height 15%