Wednesday, February 8, 2012

I Love Babies

I am thinking about renaming the blog
something like
"The blog about Marianne and nobody else"
It seems fitting.

I love babies what can I say.
In particular this one.
Who tipped the scales at just under 18 lbs today. 17lbs 12 oz
Not bad for a 5.5 month old baby.

She was seeming particularly large this morning.
Maybe because I had to sweet chance to hold a new nephew last night. At one day old he weighs 8lbs 11oz but still seemed to tiny.
Why do babies grow up so fast. I just love babies.
I didn't always.
Before I had my own children I didn't really care to hold other peoples babies.
I didn't have that natural ooohhh and awe for them.
I was not dying to go see the babies my friends and family had. I didn't get it.
Then I had babies.
Babies who grow too fast.
And now I get what is so precious about a brand new little baby.
Because what once was 6lbs 9 oz, is now 18.
What once would sleep in my arms for hours on end, is now a rolling, giggling, food eating, baby.

This blog seems like it should be named "The blog all about Marianne and nobody else"
I do have other children. They are just usually grumpy and streaming snot these days. We have new colds it looks like today, and ear infections.
Some how M seems to stay a bit healthier then the kids.
I just don't know what to do anymore.
I refuse to put them on antibiotics again. They've only not been on antibiotics for about a 12 days since we moved.
They are coughing and sitting next to me on the couch.
I miss when they were healthy and we had fun all day.
I miss them.
When they are not sick they are funny and charming and silly and sweet.
Sick they are not very much fun. I don't blame them.
If I was ever going to have a full on mental break down.
It would probably be around now... don't you think.
Good thing I have a fat happy baby to cheer me up.


Shelley Eggett said...

Ditto to all your comments. I love babies too and I HATE that they grow up so fast. I guess it's God's way of making us have more :) You should try essential oils. I use Doterra oils and if I could recommend just one oil it would be "On Guard" I rub it on my chest and my kids feet often and we rarely get sick. It shortens the length of sick times and can prevent illness from spreading. I swear by it. Anyways, I hope your little ones get feeling better soon. I hate it when my kids are snot nosed.

amy + jeff said...

I want Elizabeth and hatband full story....whose link can I get on too read it. Sorry about your sick kiddos

amy + jeff said...

Stinking auto correct...that says Nathan , I know the baby is not named hatband.

Crystal and Jake said...

amy- her blog is the keeping cottage- it is on my reader right under you at the moment, but I assume nothing will be up for a while still she is still at the hospital. She'll love to know you can't wait to read about her adventures in driveway birthing though.

Ming said...

I hear you. Sick kids are no fun and I'm over it. I hope yours get better soon. For now keep loving that sweet fat baby!

Lindsay said...

I think I've probably told you this before, but you have such a funny writing style. So fun to read. :) And little miss M. just gets bigger and bigger every picture you take! I think the top one on this post is one of my all-time favorites. (Does she ever stop smiling?)

Unknown said...

what a cute second pic!