Monday, February 13, 2012

Church with Kids.

This girl is growing up.
Some days she is pleasant. She is helpful, sweet, tries to get her siblings excited about things.
Other days her ears don't seem to work.
Yesterday she came home from church in disbelief that Daniel was protected in the Lion's den. Like we haven't done that story at least five times before for FHE and she was hearing it for the 1st time.
She clamored on about Daniel in the halls as we exited church. People commented on how precious it was.
We met with the a member of the bishopric yesterday. With Sam in our lap, that is where he almost always is during church. Sam saw a photo in the office.
"President Thomas" he exclaimed.
Yes our two year old is a well educated sweetheart, we assured the counselor.
And secretly felt like awesome parents for ONE moment.

We needed to as I had left sacrament one time with Sam, sunday school three times with Marianne- then gave up and didn't try to re-enter, and only caught the last few minutes of R.S. due to crying whining kids. jake didn't make it to any Sunday school because he was taking care of Sam. I wanted to be in class. I haven't been in class for over two months because of sick kids or crying kids. When I did make it into R.S. I stood in the back rocking a baby. I saw several women on their phones on pinterest and texting from where I was- one even took a phone call that did not seem urgent. It made me so angry. Why don't they take care of my crying kids and I'll sit and listen to a lesson. More whining from me.
What a surprise.


KJ's Perspective Take 2 said...

I just have to chime in because I feel your pain. I actually have sisters taking phone calls and texting while I am teaching Relief Society! Sometimes it is all I can do to keep from saying is there someplace better you would rather be?

Hope you have an easier time next Sunday!

lilybit said...

craziness. can't believe people feel it is ok to pin during rs.