Friday, February 10, 2012

Baby Love 6 months

I am always talking about how fat Marianne is. Then I came across this picture of Sam around 6 months old. She might not be the easy winner of the "fattest baby" contest like I thought. It is hard to believe he was ever so chubby now.
Here is Kate around 6 months old. She is the smallest at this age for sure. Sadly she was born in an era where I was not strapped to a DSLR all the time. So her baby pictures are about 10 a month total. Not like the around 1400 Marianne has already.

Looking at the baby picture of Kate I realize that M and Kate are looking very different these days too. M's hair is still dark brown. Her cheeks take over her face instead of her eyes like Kate. And she is fatter and always smiling.

I couldn't love these babies more!

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