Friday, February 10, 2012

Happy Birthday Dog

This picture is from 2008- I just like it. Little Kate and Big Cola out in the backyard in Heber.

The kids are obsessed with birthdays.
Sam has been asking every day if it is his birthday yet.
Then they realized that they didn't know when Cola's birthday was.
I'm not the kind of pet owner who celebrates... or even remembers when by dogs birthday is.
But the kids were adamant. She needed a birthday.
Jake remembered I got her for myself for my graduation from college. That was the last week of April 2004. And she was 10 weeks old. With that reasoning we decided Feb 10 would work.
So we put it on the calender. Another thing the kids are obsessed with. The calender.

This morning we made her a cake.
The kids thought we should invite the dogs behind the fence that Cola barks at over as her friends.
We didn't.
Dog Bones with frosting on top. With ham on top of that. With sprinkles on top of that.
We let her come in the house. The kids were so excited for her. We all sang then gave her her "cake".
The we all said nice things about her.
The best thing the kids could come up with was that she eats the bees so they don't sting them.
They are right.
She does eat bees and wasps.
It is appreciated.

She is a good dog. Happy Birthday Cola.

1 comment:

LaCee Clayburn said...

So cute :o). My dad's dog eats wasps, she started doing this soon after we found out my brother is deathly allergic to them, she had never done this before. Funny how dogs just "know" how to take care of their families!